hello world; echo from Divya!

I read and write but never execute. A cs major in cool pajamas. Alias rachejazz OR h3ck

DM me on Twitter Checkout my GitHub View My Resume I write Blogs too BTW!


I am a computer science major Postgrad. I love reading docs, writing blogs, messing up with my computer,

and take pride in fixing it back.

I love being curious about inner workings of an operating system and take pleasure in delving into system security.

My Works

I am a skillful killful developer, yet a curious researcher. I mostly tinker around low level architecture/how the internet works at OSI level/reverse engineering. Some of my footprints:

Volunteered Contributions in OpenSource

As an indidual who supports and uses FOSS extensively, I have given my contributions in the following:

I Love Working On

Strongly believing on the killful phrase, I continue to venture further in

Where Am I These Days?

My current positions in various companies/organisations.

My Past Positions

Previous companies/orgaisations I have contributedd to.

My Social Engagement

Always give back to the community. So here I go.

My Talks